One of the great professional joys of this job has been the opportunity to serve since 2008 as a consultant to Dawson & Associates, the nation’s leading lobbying firm for environmental permitting and water regulation issues. With more than 10 retired Generals from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (including four former Commanding Generals and one Deputy Commanding General), the Dawson team has a stunning depth of experience.
But perhaps more important, they are all genuinely nice people — professional and bluff.
So it’s a special pleasure to offer this new video of our own Lt. Gen. (Ret) Hank Hatch, who was Commanding General of the Corps of Engineers during Gulf War I. Produced by the Society of American Military Engineers (SAME), the video features Gen. Hatch offering this characteristically uplifting advice: “Pride can inspire.” It’s more than worth 10 minutes of your time: