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ArnoldBlog [ahr-nold-bläg]
Wherein the author waxes eloquently, or at least waxes, on consumer issues with asides about such truly important issues as cars, Dartmouth and Secretariat.
May 19, 2021
"She served her country well"
Janine Brookner, an accomplished former CIA agent who overcame brutally unfair treatment at the agency, has unfortunately passed away....

Apr 9, 2021
"You cannot expect to have good press if you're not doing good things"
When Paul McCartney sang, “You and I have memories longer than the road that stretches out ahead,” he might have been describing my 35+...
Dec 23, 2020
Politicians can be funny. No, really
Since 2020 has been such a train wreck, Landon asked me for a post-election essay on political humor. If you want a smile, click here for...
May 19, 2020
"Network, Network and Network"
A great satisfaction of personal life these days involves serving on the Board of The Dartmouth Club of Washington. With so many current...

May 14, 2020
Farewell, Mr. Jacoby
His life was gentle, and the elements mixed so well in him that Nature might stand up and say to all the world, ‘This was a man.’” —...
Oct 14, 2019
Why Low Interest Rates Aren't Killing Structured Settlements
Attorney Dennis Beaver’s syndicated “You & The Law” column is more than an engaging and enjoyable read. It is, to paraphrase George Will,...
Aug 12, 2019
"New York Life Will Fight This Hard But..."
The need for Congress to update and improve Federal rules governing structured settlement transfers is beyond question. Too many cases...
Apr 15, 2019
"That's a Big Problem if Elizabeth Warren Starts Poking Around..."
It’s always a pleasure to be quoted in the media, especially when the author is Warren Hersch, the well-regarded insurance industry...

Dec 13, 2018
Remembering 41: "If his glare had been a knife, it would have sliced through the USS Missouri"
The outpouring of kind words after President Bush’s passing is a deserved tribute to his leadership as President and his public service....

Nov 8, 2018
Al Gore, Humorist
With the election season over, a bit of humor might be an appropriate balm to all the acrimony from the past several weeks. Thirty years...
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